16/06/2018 -   'MUTEK Montréal 2018'  

Play 2, MUTEK festival international de créativité numérique et musiques électroniques Édition 19 2018 Montréal / Metaritmos ~ (yecto, Vieux Néant & Marc Egg) - a hybrid game of live improvisation influenced by afrolatin polyrhythms and contemporary synthesis.

16/06/2018 -   ‘Présence Mexicaine’, Electronic Literature Organization 2018  

Exploring electronic literature and live coding through a week-residency at TOPO Digital Writings Laboratory and an audio-visual performance at BlackBox, Concordia University.

13/07/2018 -   Algorave ANTImateria - TransPiksel  

México / Centro Cultural de España en México - 'Rodrigo Velasco + Eduardo Melendez'.

24/05/2018 -   Bombonchele - Algorave Tio'tia:ke  

Montréal / La Sala Rossa / Sotterenea - 'Improvisation live, paysages méditatifs-polyrhytmiques ; célébration de la diversité et du partage ouvert de connaissances à travers la performance live {visuels algorithmiques, electroniques, synthèse et live coding};'.

07/05/2018 -   Taller y set audiovisual de live coding  

Madrid / Media Lab Prado - El grupo de trabajo Live Code Mad invita al artista audiovisual y livecoder Rodrigo Velasco a Medialab Prado para impartir un taller y presentar una demo de su trabajo como creador de visuales de forma algorítmica.

27/04/2018 -   Libre Graphics Meeting @ lanónima  

Live coding in Seville Spain, sharing with Neil C. Smith and LGM friends.

09/01/2018 -   Eastern Bloc x Never Apart — Noche en Blanco Latinx (Re)mix  

Montréal / Nuit Blanche, Eastern Bloc - 'This night celebrates the many facets of diasporic latinx creative identities and beyond, while including a series of media installations and high-level musical performances'.

09/01/2018 -   yecto, Algorave Ciudad de México  

D.F. / Talismán de Motolinia - live coding music improvisation with visuals by Eduardo Melendez.

16/12/2017-   yecto, Metaritmos, migración 02  

D.F. / Fábrica Digital El Rule - live coding audiovisual improvisation with visuals by AB/DX.

9/12/2017 -   Metaritmos, Algorave, Anemonal  

Guadalajara / LARVA - live coding and live electro audiovisual performance with Marc Matatya as Metaritmos.

8/12/2017 -   Metaritmos, Algorave, ICLC 2017  

Morelia / Jeudi 27 - live coding and live electro audiovisual performance with Marc Matatya as Metaritmos at International Conference on Live Coding 2017.

30/11/2017 -   Metaritmos, Diarios Efímeros  

D.F / Laboratorio Arte Alameda - live coding and live electro audiovisual performance with Marc Matatya as Metaritmos at Diarios Efímeros a live coding event organized by Jaime Lobato.

11/11/2017 -   Metaritmos, taBURNak!, Burning Man Decompression  

Montréal - 'Théâtre Paradoxe' live audiovisual performance with Marc Matatya and Vieux Néant.

26/10/2017 -   yecto, Algorave Montréal, Eastern Bloc  

Montréal - live coding audiovisual performance as 'yecto' at Eastern Bloc.

09/09/2017 -   Mariana Marcassa + rrrrodrrrrigo, Le Désir qui Te Traverse  

Montréal - I collaborated by adding algorithmic effects to Mariana Marcassa's voice as part of "it puts a spell on us" at Eastern Bloc, in this amazing event organized by Quimeras collective.

01/09/2017 -   Metaritmos, Timeless Electronic Music Festival  

Quebéc - Timeless Electronic Music Festival, Chutes de St-Agathe-de-Lotbiniere.

11/08/2017 -   Wikimania: wake for Bassel Khartabil, SAT  

Montréal - Live coded visuals for Marc Matatya live electro sounds.

01/08/2017 -   Presentación del zine iii – De Rerum Natura, Merma Editorial  

Montréal - Guadalajara, LARVA - Streaming a live coding audiovisual set for Merma Editorial.

08/07/2017 -   yecto - Moonshine xxxiii  

Montréal - Live coding visuals - African house, deep house, baile funk & percussions until very late.

26/06/2017 -   yecto + Stephanie Castonguay, Metarythmes, migration 01  

Montréal - OBORO, a first Metarythmes meeting/jam supported by OBORO, STUDIO XX and TOPLAP.

17/06/2017 -   Metaritmos, Casa Obscura: Inductive Prism VI  

Montréal - live audiovisual performance with Marc Matatya and Vieux Néant as Metaritmos.


Montréal - La Plante, Live coding and DIY electronics collaborating with Stephanie Castonguay.

21/04/2017 -   yecto, Algorave, Montréal  

Montréal - La Plante, Live coding audiovisual performance.

22/03/2017 -   Labsessions #12 at 'Société des arts technologiques' (SAT)  

Montréal - I presented a talk on 'Astr.' an immersive live coding performance as part of Labsessions #12.

02/2016 / 12/2017 -   'The Art Culture Autochtone night', UQAM  

Montréal - First Nations Circle of UQAM. - Live coding visuals to accompany a really amazing and talented crew (DJ Señor Kiko, Kiki Harper and Gustavo).

12/2016 / 03/2017 –   L’Escalier with Vieux Néant and Marc Matatya  

Montréal - a monthly improv-based performance in Montreal including sequencers, synthesisers, live coding, visuals and pshychedelia at L'Escalier.

09/01/17 -   Algorave Montréal, Casa del Popolo  

Montréal - live coded, live electro + algorithmic audiovisual performances by Kindohm, Spednar, BunBun, Mil988 (Arturo Waldo + yecto), Illest Preacha, Marc Matatya and Vieux Néant.

23/01/17 -   Welcome to the Algorave movement, mixed by Yaxu - Mixmag  

My track TR-808, a tribute to the oldschool drum machine, appeared behind incredible artists in this amazing mix by Yaxu, also you can read an article published in 'mixmag' about the Algorave community.

19/11/16 -   ALGOMECH 2016 - Untitled Algorithm Dance 2 by Kate Sicchio  

Montréal - Sheffield - Streaming, live coding, noise and ambient landscapes to accompany 'Untitled Algorithm Dance 2' by Kate Sicchio.

15/10/16 -   yecto, Algorave ICLC 2016  

Hamilton - I performed as 'yecto' as part of the last International Conference on Live Coding 2016, live coded slow, broken and nostalgic Algorave overtones.

15/10/16 -   Mico Rex, Algorave ICLC 2016  

Hamilton - I projected audio-reactive visuals for Mico Rex at International Conference on Live Coding 2016.

12/10/16 -   TidalCycles 'birds of a feather' workshop, ICLC 2016  

Hamilton - I'm glad to be part of a 'birds of feather' workshop with talks and demos by Alex McLean, Scott Fradkin, Mike Hodnick and Rodrigo Velasco (me).

14/10/16 -   Rodrigo Velasco: Poetics of Live Coding through s2hs2  

Hamilton - I was part of the Session #12: Short Papers chaired by Scott Wilson presenting 'Poetics of Live Coding through s2hs2' at the International Conference on Live Coding 2016.

01/10/16 -   Mapping at 'Escuela Superior de Música' by SEMIMUTICAS  

D.F. - I collaborated with Karen del Valle and Jaime Lobato to do an interactive mapping in a building at 'Escuela Superior de Música' in Mexico City.

23/09/2016 -   yecto - live coding visuals to SNRNG, Format.DF  

D.F. - Audio-reactive live coded visuals in 's2hs2' for SNRNG.

09/09/2016 -   yecto, Algorave - Transpiksel  

I presented an audiovisual set to open this sui generis Algorave at Salón Numantina.

25/08/16 -   TERRMUTARE, Salón Abierto  

D.F. - I presented TERRMUTARE, an installation / performance artwork in collaboration with Rodrigo Torres, Malitzin Cortés and César García.

18/08/2016 -   yecto + Profe James, live coded visuals at 'Plaza de la Constitución'  

D.F. - Live coding visuals through 's2hs2', controlling illustrations by Profe James, in the main plaza of Mexico City 'El zócalo'.

06/08/2016 -   yecto - Algorave en Centro Cultural Autogestivo El 77  

D.F. - Live coding audiovisual set and visuals for Chema64 and Tito Romero.

09/07/2016 -   yecto, Algorave, Laberinto Cultural Santa María la Ribera  

D.F. - Live coding audiovisual set.

18/05/2016 -   ERREOPEO + yecto, 'EN COMÚN', FAD, UNAM.  

D.F. - Analog, modular + live coding soundscapes with ERREOPEO.

12/03/2016 -   yecto - live coding visuals for FOEME, Casa del Lago, UNAM  

D.F. - live coded (HeyOliver's) illustrations and audioreactive shapes cellebrating the 10th aniversary of FOEME.

28/10/2015 -   'Electrofolk' by Tito Romero, Claustro de Sor Juana  

D.F. - Live coding visuals for Tito Romero as part of Habitación del Ruido, Auditorio "Divino Narciso". Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana.

13/07/2015 -   vida breve, tristeTren, ICLC 2015  

Leeds - AV performance as part of the International Conference on Live Coding 2015.

28/10/2015 -   weft  

York - Live coded noise by Joanne Armitage and yecto at Fulford Arms in York.

September 2014 -   otú, Simposio Internacional de Música y Código /* vivo */ 2014  

D.F. - Valerie Faxtar and yecto live coding drone set as part of Simposio Internacional de Música y Código /* vivo */ 2014, at Centro Multimedia, CENART.

August 2014 -   fax + yex, tito ' café, zines y live coding en la Cafeleería  

A really enjoyable live coding session, performing sounds and visuals with Valerie Faxtar and Tito Romero.

05/11/2011 -   Atrabilis, Vivimos de las obras  

Live coded visuals 'ELAMED' + 'yecto'.